Flags change design and colour after wars. At that point maps have to be redesigned.


Maps are virtual spaces in which fragmentary spatial and temporal realities are brought together. Maps illustrate time and space; tangible and intangible realities; public and private dimensions. In the East Asian tradition, Gayū are imaginary journeys experienced when engaging with art and its suggestive power. In the same way, we are gathering in a speculative place, beyond the physical and temporal world. We are mapping and navigating our fragmented realities.
❋ A project from After Here & There — a lab exploring ideas of distribution. MA Visual Communication, Royal College of Art, 2021.

❋ 一个探索艺术作品发布方式的实验 — 来自皇家艺术学院视觉传达系 After Here & There 实验室项目

Website live 30/06——03/07